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IPF attends workshop on Sport and Sustainability in Europe

February 23, 2023 | 0 Comments

On 23 February, 2023 IPF President Victor Bevine, Secretary General David Thompson, Deputy Secretary General Mehdi Salman Pour – Arash, and Alireza Sharifi, Technical Director of the Iran Freerunning Parkour Federation attended the T-Hap Workshop for Sport for People and Planet, which focuses on an approach for sustainable development through physical activities in Europe. Following an in-depth presentation by Wooer Cools, Professor Dr. Vrije Universiteit Brussel on the fundamental relationship between sport and sustainability, the discussion centered on the ways in which economic disparity affects access to sustainable sports, especially for young people.

Urs Kluser, General Secretary for the UEFA Foundation for Children, and Nkoue Carine, Project Manager for the UEFA Foundation for Children inspired the group with a discussion of the work they are doing with refugees in Jordan, empowering them to be self-sufficient and take over the running of the initiative, allowing UEFA to move on to the next community and share the program with as many as possible.