

IPF- InternationalParkourFederation.org a 501c3 non-profit and it’s #PeaceThroughParkour Global Education Initiative are helping young people around the world in conflict zones,  those who are affected by war and have become refugees, and those in developing countries who are considered “at risk” youth.  We are in need of donations, help, and support for this program to help keep our athletes in these regions safe and alive.

These Parkour Heroes have been chosen from among so many deserving candidates because of their dedication to a broader vision. As leaders in their communities, they have demonstrated the commitment to live their dream of helping others in spite of the obstacles they face, and by their example, teaching their students to do the same.  Watch the videos, look at the photos, and read their stories.

Can you help sustain this virtuous cycle of goodness by donating to one of these Parkour heroes?  Click on the blue “Donate” button at the top of this page. Thank you!

Do you have a Parkour initiative of your own?
Would you like to support an existing initiative? If so, email:

While already a difficult thing to keep a Parkour Academy open in Kashmir, the state of things now in the world make have made it impossible and the training facility that IPF #PeaceThroughParkour Ambassador Zahid Shah was sharing with a martial arts studio now has had to close! Once the pandemic is over they are hoping to be able to open again under the banner of “KASHMIR PARKOUR ACADEMY”! Would you like to help sponsor this effort? For $400 (US dollars) a month they would be able to open their doors and also offer free classes to many students in need! Please contact us! Kashmir is the northernmost geographical region of the Indian subcontinent. The Kashmir conflict is a territorial conflict over the Kashmir region, primarily between India and Pakistan, with China playing a third party role.


Do you have a Parkour initiative of your own?

Would you like to support an existing initiative? If so, email:
