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IPF- International Parkour Federation Sponsors WFPF Parkour Instructor Certification in Bangkok, Thailand

July 17, 2017 | 0 Comments

IPF, the International Parkour Federation, is proud to have sponsored WFPF’s Level 1-2 Parkour Instructor Certification in Bangkok, Thailand in July of 2017.  To date, approximately 800 Parkour teachers have attended and become certified at WFPF certifications,  and IPF is proud to have sponsored this one in cooperation with  AFPU (Asia Freerunning Parkour Union) and IPTC (International Professional Training Certification).  IPF is planning to sponsor future WFPF certifications in partnership with both AFPU and IPTC in other countries in 2017 and beyond with the next one being held at Ryan Doyle’s Airborn Academy in Liverpool, United Kingdom in September of 2017.


Athletes from Iran, India, Turkey, and Tajikistan all traveled to Thailand to participate in the four day instructor certification.    Robbie Corbett, who has certified approximately 800 parkour instructors through WFPF,  was the master trainer for the certification.

Leaders from many of the world’s parkour communities were in attendance including the founders of both the Iran and Tajikistan federations.

Above-  Alireza Sharifi and Mohamadreza Sharifi, founders of Iran Parkour Freerunning Federation and Alexander Dhul-Qarnain, president of the Tajikistan Parkour Freerunning Federation were in attendance as well as Divyansh Saxena from India, and other leaders from the Iranian and Turkish Parkour communities.  WFPF Sponsored athlete, Fatemeh Akrami from Iran, also attended the certification.

And, it’s official!  Congratulations to the attendees!
