Ambassador “Peace Through Parkour” Initiative
-Mr. Shah began practicing Parkour alone in Kashmir, intrigued with both the sport but also the strong message and philosophy of Parkour. In time he began training other young Kashmiri youth and with that Kashmir Parkour Freerunning was born. Mr. Shah is proud to have introduced Parkour to Kashmiri youth and to be training the first generation of Kashmir Parkour athletes. When he is not traveling as a speaker and “Peace Through Parkour” ambassador, he runs training programs in Kashmir for adults as well as youth fitness and educational programs in Kashmiri schools for boys and girls. Mr. Shah was the recipient of an IPF scholarship to attend the WFPF Parkour instructor certification (Levels 1, 2, and 3) as well as its leadership mentor program. Mr Shah also was a presenter at the 2019 USA Parkour Cup in Tampa, Flordia where he gave an informational seminar on “Peace Through Parkour” and about Parkour life in Kashmir.