



Ian Adamson is a career sports professional, starting in governance in 1984 on the University of Sydney Sports Union Management Committee. He was Australian Universities champion in C2 wild water canoeing and part of the organizing committee for the 1988 national championships.

As a professional athletes, Ian became the most successful adventure racer of all time with 7 world championship wins, 18 international adventure race championship titles and Gold, Silver and Bronze medals at the ESPN X-Games. He is a 3 time Guinness world record holder for endurance kayaking (262 miles / 422 km in 24 hours) and has competed at world championships in canoeing (bronze medal in 1992), kayaking and sailing. Ian is also an age group world champion in the Modern Pentathlon events of Biathle and Triathle.

Ian worked for ten years in the implantable medical device industry, including five years as COO at Reflex Medical Products. He has been a guest lecturer in the graduate schools of business at the University of Colorado, Boulder, UC Denver and Denver University since 1998. While a professional athlete Ian worked in the running shoe industry as a design consultant with Salomon and Nike, and later as Director product Development, then Director of Medical & Education at Newton Running Company.

Ian’s television and event production career started in 1999, contracting to International Management Group as a course and technical director for complex international multi-sport races. Since then he has produced and directed dozens of athletic events and television shows world wide. He continues to work in the television industry as producer, host and talent.
Ian has a Masters Degree in Sports Medicine, Bachelor of Mechanical Engineering, and four patents for medical devices and running shoes.